First Aid Supplies
Gelled ethyl alcohol (waterless hand sanitizer) 60% ethyl alcohol in
glycerin base
Use antibiotic scrub
Blisters, cuts, hands, abrasions, decontaminating skin after poison ivy, oak, sumac - Small antibacterial soap
- Betadine, serious cuts and punctures where alcohol would damage the underlying tissue
Antiseptic Salve – Campho-Phenique
Antibiotic plus pain reliever
Allows wound to breath -
Antifungal Solution
Athletics foot, jock itch
Small roll white adhesive tape
Bandaging hot spots and blisters
Wrap a sprained ankle - Band Aids/sterile 2x2 gauze strips
Spenco 2nd skin
For blisters and burns
Good tweezers
Removal of ticks, thorns, slivers, cactus spines
- Sawyer (suction kit) extractor for snake bites, bee and insect stings, mosquito bits, tick bites
- Poison Ivy/Oak medications: Calamine lotion
Ultra-Light Essentials:
Sawyer kit
Roll of Duck tape
35 mm film canister –gauze and aspirin and tweezers -
Syringe/1:1000 epinephrine
Benedryl tablets
Hydrocortisone (Prednisone tablets)
for severe allergies

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