Lumbar Packs
These are ideal for day hiking in warm weather with little gear. Lumbar packs come in a variety of sizes and conveniently carry the essential items. Since they are fully supported around your waist, their hip belt system must be well formed and padded. Meshing allows for both good air circulation and support to keeping the pack from slipping. I use my lumbar packs more than my day packs because they are the most comfortable packs to carry. Items are kept handy and are easily accessed. Cameras, fishing gear, water and water filter, maps, and even a four or five piece fly rod fit easily into or on a lumbar pack. When I know I’m going to fish, I’ll sometimes take two rods and carry the spare lashed to my pack. The pack can be carried on top of your fanny or reversed onto your belly. When buying a lumbar pack look for a belt that’s well formed and padded for comfort. The inside of the pack should be well padded. Mesh on the outside for traction helps keep the pack from slipping.

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