Silver lake is a common name for alpine lakes but in this case I am referring to the one near Mount Townsend in the Olympic Mountains in Washington State. It lies in a cirque at the head of the valley that Silver Creek runs down. The lake itself can be reached either from forest road 2860 to the north or FR 2870 to the east.

The hike down to Silver Lake is blessedly gradual and once you are down in the valley you will actually climb back up to the cirque where Silver Lake sits, all easy hiking. In the winter, the scenery is particularly gorgeous with the stunted trees covered in snow and the lake frozen over with a layer of billowy white, undisturbed by any prints. Summer is equally appealing though and as most hikers are headed to Mount Townsend, this can be a nice quiet detour for a hiker seeking solitude in the summer.
Assuming an approach from the east take Penny Creek Rd off of Highway 101 and follow the signs to the Mount Townsend trail head. If you have some extra time, park at the lower trailhead and visit Sink Lake on the way up.
Silver Lake, Olympic NP, WA
Amazing place