Joys of Camping
When I’m at work or when I was in school, I always enjoyed looking out the window. I checked out the mountain tops for places to explore. The routine of a stressful and sometimes frustrating day at work under artificial light can be exhausting. I long for a respite into the unspoiled natural world where solutions to life’s problems are clear. Camping has a profound effect on my outlook. It gives me the self-confidence that I need to succeed in our fast moving, competitive lifestyle.
Each new day camping is an adventure as you arise in the fresh dawn. You see the wilderness come alive as the rising sun lights up the clouds in delicate pinks and the brightness and color return to the forest. A glimpse of an alpine lake beckons you. The landscape was designed by the master gardener.
The day before, you chose your destination and set up your new, temporary home. You fell asleep quickly under a sky full of stars. Being in touch with the outside world refreshes your senses. When you return to work, you are inspired to be more productive.

Camping have a profound effect on your outlook. The raw terrain and weather immerses you into the natural world. This sharpens your senses. The merging of different ecosystems gives you an appreciation of the places you visit. The curiosity of wanting to see what’s over the next rise is overwhelming. It’s an adventure and discovery of the real world. The fresh smell of the forest and wildflowers, along with the beautiful sounds of nature, awakens your senses

Henry David Thoreau wrote:
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately…[and I] discover[ed] that I had not lived.”
Ray Jardine wrote:
“That is why I love to hike and camp, and explore the wild places. And when I set off down the trail with just a small bag containing all I need slung over my shoulder, I feel invigorated.”
Camping is an escape from the urban world; it takes you deep into wonderful places to experience the wilds more intimately. It provides quality time with the people in your life that are most meaningful. If you want to really get to know your spouse, family, and best friends, take them camping.
You have an abundance of choices as to where to camp, from the beaches to above timberline. Trails abound throughout these wild places. The amount of pubic land is immense.
The trip preparation and planning can be almost as fun as the trip. Poring through maps and guide books is a great way to endure a winter storm. My summer backpacking trips into my favorite alpine lake basins were planned during dreary January days.
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